Monday, May 12, 2008

There's a First Time for Everything

So my dad and I are on the C&D Canal Bridge and we pull right behind plate PC22 - a neighbor. My dad was like "WHOA! PC22!" I was like "Oh I've seen that like 100 times AND they live right down the road." Yeahh. Then we hit mucho traffico but we got there around 8:15am.

After I dropped him off, I headed back to Delaware. I stopped at the McDonald's on Exit 2 in PA on I-95 to get some breakfast. When I was pulling out of the parking lot, I spotted PC969. Pretty decent sighting, being in PA and all. I decided to take 495 to US-13 and it was good thing that I did because when I got onto 13, I pulled RIGHT behind this:

That was pretty sweet :]

ANYWAY. About 15 minutes before I got home, I get a call from my mom, asking me to pick her up a coffee from Dunkin Donuts. No problem. When I pulled into the Dunkin Donuts shopping center, I passed plate 974. I swung around to get a picture of it - success. I got home, brought her the coffee, and then she asked me to take her car to get the tire plugged. Apparently it had been losing pressure and was getting flat. I went to our usual mechanic and he found a screw in there. It cost $15 to plug it - done and done. While I was waiting, I talked to the owner about the economy, the upcoming election, and his business. Cool guy - another example that you can't judge a book by its cover.

Instead of going home, I decided to drive down to Dover to see if I could find some nice low-digit plates. I drove all around - around Legislative Hall, the "Green", downtown Dover. It's a REALLY nice area - I'm going to start going more often. As far as plates go, I saw the following (in order of spotting):
  • PC525
  • PC84
  • PC95
  • 199
  • C731 (CORRECT now I have C731, PC731 and 731!)
  • PC766
  • C20 (UGH I've been tracking that plate down for SO long)
  • 535 (parked right next to C20)
  • PC395
  • 93
Not a bad day for sightings. In the midst of searching for plates, I accidentally went the wrong way down a one-way street. This black guy in a pickup truck (a sight you don't see everyday haha) pulled his window down and told me I was going the wrong way. As soon as he passed, a COP put his lights on and pulled me over. I told him it was an honest mistake and that I had never been in this area before. Luckily, he gave me a warning. Yay.

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