So if you're looking at the time/date of this post, you see it's Thursday morning instead of Wednesday night. I was too tired to post a blog last night so I'm writing now for yesterday.
I woke up around 8:30am and went to get gas for the lawn mower and my car. I had to cut my neighbor's lawn that morning but, as I was driving through the neighborhood, I saw that the neighbor for whom I was going to cut the grass already had it cut - I guess I missed my opportunity!
I got home and Tom called me, asking me to meet him for lunch in Wilmington. Of course, I accepted, on the condition that we hunt for
LDTs and tag 4 after lunch. On the way to Wilmington, I saw this on a hearse:

We met at Grotto's on Pennsylvania Ave. and ate on the patio. I ended up applying for a job there - I really need a second job for some money to put away and pay off my credit cards. Anyway, we headed up to
Greenville and went through my usual spots but didn't see anything too intense. We then started to head up to
Bidderman to see if we could spot the famed tag 4. We made a right on Kirk Rd. off of 52 and then a left onto
Montchanin Rd. from Kirk Rd. As soon as we turned onto
Montchanin Rd., I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw a black tag with one character on it. I'm not implying it was tag 4 or even a single-digit tag, but I thought it was certainly worth going back and seeing. Unfortunately, by the time we turned around, we lost them. I was so upset!
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