Right after that, I met Tom at Nino's in the Giant shopping center and we dined there for lunch. He's losing his voice, so that sucks. I headed down through Greenville and I shall now tell you an incredible story of what happened in Greenville.
I was pulling out of the last shopping center I go through on my usual route and I see a white Porsche Cayenne with PC4 on the back. Let me refresh your memory.

He pulled into the gas station right next to the shopping center I was in and, of course, I followed him in. As he got back into the car, I asked him if that was his tag. He told me that it wasn't his but it was the family's tag for whom he worked. He continued to tell me that the family owned PC4 and 4 - they got them as a set many years ago. I asked him if he worked for Peggy Dean (who I know owns tag 4) and he said yes. We continued to talk and I told him that I'd love to see plate 4 and he told me that she goes to Bitterman Golf Club up on Montchanin Road in Greenville every day. He also told me that she was at Elizabeth's Pizza right now if I wanted to see the tag now. Of course, I rushed over there but I guess she had already left. I headed up to Bitterman to see if she was there but, alas, she wasn't. Sad. :[ I headed back to Middletown and chilled for the rest of the day. I went to the Outback with Gary for dinner and I got him to come with Greg and me tomorrow to the beach. Yay that will be awesome. Oh and I also saw this in Greenville - 72 on a blue tag <3

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