Monday, June 30, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend was pretty relaxing. Saturday Tom and I went to Millsboro and Rehoboth looking for tags. I learned that tag 5 is in Millsboro but as we drove through Millsboro, I had no idea where to even look. I guess I'll talk to Mr. Ahmed since he's down there all the time. Anyway, after we drove through Millsboro, we went through Rehoboth and saw a lot of good ones. These were the best two:

We headed to Rehoboth CC and saw a few there - nothing too intense - and went to the outlets to shop.

Sunday was pretty cool too. Church from 9:30-11:30. Costco with the Espinas, Greenville with Roberto and Julian, then chilled at the Espina's house for a while. Here are the tags we saw:

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