I woke up around 8:30 -dentist appointment at 9:15. I got there - got my teeth cleaned. Dentist said everything looked perfect. I left and as I was leaving, I spotted tag PC925. Sweet deal. I drove around Middletown for a few and then headed to Christiana Mall to meet my friend Aaron for lunch. We walked around the mall but it was empty and boring. Then we went to Don Pablos around 11am but it didn't open until 11:30. Needless to say, we went across the street to Houlihans. Our waiter turned out to be his friend so that was kinda nifty. It was after lunch that the fun started.
We walked out the door and right in front of us was a white Durango with black tag 979 on the back. We drove out of Houlihans and saw this:

After lunch, I drove Aaron back to his car. When I got out of the car, my jeans ripped ALL the way down my right leg haha. I was like "Uhh. Aaron. Crap." haha. We walked up to Aaron's car to listen to some music and he says "Dude. I have a bad feeling that I left my keys in the car." I look down at the passenger seat and there they are - his keys are sitting on the seat and the doors are locked. Long story short, I had to drive him to his mom's work to get the other keys and then back to the mall. Neat.
After that, I drove to church to start/finish/print my paper for music management. It was easy. I printed that off and left for Greenville to teach piano. That was easy too. While in Greenville, I spotted this:

After that, I headed to Newark to drop my paper off and then I headed home. The rest of the night was a blur, as I was pretty tired (and still am). I just installed Vista SP1 and IE8 Beta 1. Fun times! More on that later.
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