Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Boring Summer Day

Woke up around 9am. Bored. Bullshitted around the house for a few hours. My dad made burgers on the grill for lunch - they were bangin. I eventually headed to Dover to hunt for tags. It was a pretty ritual trip. Spotted 884 in Smyrna. Got to Dover and the first tag I spotted was 95 on an SL500.

Other tags in Dover were 173 and C730 on a school bus haha.

After downtown Dover, I headed to the Dover Downs parking lot and spotted dealer tag 11 on the way out:

Good stuff. I came home and napped until choir rehearsal. Went to choir, came home, chilled. Pretty standard day. I really want to see tags 1-3. I need to find them. I'm pretty lonely though. I need more friends. Bye.

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